A joyous New Year’s Comedy that tells the story Jiang Dawei (Yang Zhigang), a former “first secretary,” who helped the remaining five “nail households” get out of poverty in Lao Shao Guo Village, a poverty-stricken village in the northeast China region.
Jiang Dawei braves the snow storm to deliver a poverty alleviation fund, allocated by a particular unit under the Beijing municipal government, to the village. He then visits the remaining five “nail households” for New Year’s dinner to understand the villagers’ plight. Jiang Dawei “cures” the bad habits — stinginess, laziness, greediness and craftiness — of the villagers and make them realize the real reason behind their predicament. The five households realize their strengths and advantages through the science and technology of agriculture, regain confidence in life and eventually eradicate poverty mentally and materially.